The Phoenix Dance Studio





You MUST pre-register for classes AND practice. We will be maxed at one person per apparatus, so spots will be limited! Because we are limiting contact with staff and students, you must register in advance. Please be sure you are emailing staff in advance about using studio credit or if you have a credit card saved online.
We know some classes will fill quickly and you may not get a spot. Please reach out to us if there is not space in a class. We will be modifying the schedule as we go, and will try to get either another class or practice option available for you.


Please sign and return new Covid waivers to the studio.  You can download, fill and sign then return via email or bring with you to the studio.




Please make sure to arrive at least 15 minutes early. Upon entering, you will see instructions and signs directing you to first, take off your shoes and leave them in the designated space, wash your hands in the sink, then take your temperature and record it in the log.

When possible, please use the bathroom before coming to the studio, and have your dance clothes already on under your street clothes. Only one student will be allowed in the dressing room at a time, and we would like to limit use as much as possible.

Please leave as many personal items in your car as possible.

Do not enter the studio if you have a fever of 100.4 or higher, shortness of breath, a dry cough, lost your sense of taste or smell, flu symptoms, had contact with a confirmed case or traveled to a high risk area in the past 14 days.

Please do not enter the studio earlier than 10 minutes before your practice, class or private.

You MUST wear a mask in the studio at all times.  We are now asking students to wear a mask throughout classes. Remember, should you need a break from your mask, step out of the studio and take a moment.

Upon entering the studio, please take of your shoes and leave them in the lobby.

Go directly to the hand washing station. If someone is washing hands, please wait behind the tape.

After hands are washed, move to the temperature station. Please take your temperature and write in the log and sign the new COVID waiver.

Head directly into the studio and to your apparatus, or floor space. Please stay in your designated spot as much as possible during class/practice.

Only use the dressing room if you must change. One person at a time in the dressing room please. Bring any items, such as keys into class and keep them in your space.

If you bring a water bottle, be sure it is filled in advance of coming to the studio. We ask that you NOT fill outside bottles up at the water cooler. Disposable cups will still be provided for those who need to use the water cooler.

The studio rosin and chalk will not be available for the time being, so please bring what grip aid you need. We are limiting warm up mat use when possible, but they will be available if needed.

Students will be in charge of cleaning their own apparatus and mat before heading out (remembering to social distance). Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before heading out. Students must be out of the building within 10 minutes of their slot finishing to allow the next class to safely enter.

Feel free to hang out in the parking lot and chat!